kl. 13:00 Koncertkapellet
Sankt Hans Gade 51, 4000 Roskilde





Kuno Kjærbye – Songs of Cordelia (2015) for mezzosopran og cello

Kuno Kjærbye – Yet Edmund was beloved for mezzosopran, cello og klaver – uropførelse

Begge værker med tekst fra William Shakespeares skuespil King Lear


Dora Pejačević – Vier Lieder opus 30 (1911) for mezzosopran og klaver, digt Anna Ritter
1. ”Ein Schrei”
2. ”Wie ein Rausch”
3. ”Ich glaub’, lieber Schatz”
4. ”Traumglück”

Bohuslav Martinu – Variations on a Slovakian theme for cello og klaver (1959)

Leoš Janáček – Moravian folk poetry in songs (1892-1901) for mezzosopran og klaver

Songs of Cordelia en sammensmeltning af kvindestemmerne fra Shakespeares King Lear i fire sange. Karakteren, som driver handlingen frem i King Lear, er Edmund – bastardsøn af Jarlen af Gloucester og en af Shakespeares mest sammensatte skurkeroller, ærgerrig, såret, nådesløs; til sidst får han indsigt i sig selv og sine handlingers katastrofale konsekvens – mange er døde.
I et sonoffer giver Edmund sit liv og kongeriget genopstår ved Edward den gode halvbror.

Det er mytisk urstof som ligger til grund for King Lear – ‘Yet Edmund was beloved’ er en pendant til Cor-delia-sangene. Før selve opførelsen bliver publikum introduceret til skuespillet.

Kuno Kjærbye

Dora Pejačević, kroatisk komponist døde ung, men nåede at efterlade sig et betydeligt stort livsværk. Bohuslav Martinu komponerede ‘Variations’ i sit dødsår. I Moravian folk poetry in songs giver Janáček et originalt nyskabende bud på traditionel folkemusik, her fra Moravia (Mähren).
Alle tre værker er sjældent opført i danske koncertsale.
Det er en af TIDLØS festivalens målsætninger at udvide det klassiske kernerepertoire.

Hør Michaela Kapustová Zajmi:

Mezzosoprano Michaela Kapustova Zajmi, the soloist of the National Theatre in Prague, was born in Brno and studied at the Prague Conservatory under the direction of Professor Yvona Škvárové.
While studying and after graduation she successfully took part in several singing competitions. The most valuable awards were from the 44 th International Singing Competition in Karlovy Vary where she won the 3rd place in both the Opera and Song categories. She was also awarded by the Society of Antonín Dvořák for the best interpretation of Dvořák’s song “ Dejte klec jestřábu”, as well as a special prize from the Theatre J.K.Tyl in Pilsen.

Michaela Zajmi, was a laureate of the International Singing Competition of Leoš Janáček’s Prize (EMCY), then she became a winner of the Singing Competition of the Music Conservatoires in the Czech Republic in Parbubice, and she got the 1st prize at the International Singing Competition “Pražský pěvec”.

During her studies she participated in Master Courses under the direction of Peter Dvorský in Jaroměřice nad Rokytou and later she was chosen to sing at a series of concerts for the best singers. In 2010 she was nom-inated for Thalia Prize for the exceptional stage performance as Angelina in Rossini’s opera La Cenerentolla in the Brno National Theatre.

Her theatre debut was as Rosina (The Barber of Sevilla) in the Theatre J.K.Tyl in Pilsen, and afterwards she has performed in the various opera theatres in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and České Budějovice where she continues to sing the mezzosoprano parts. Michaela has performed in many concerts recently with the Pra-gue Chamber Philharmonic, the Pilsen Philharmonic, the South Bohemian Philharmonic, and Talich Chamber Orchestra. She also performed at the opening concert of the 200 th anniversary of the foundation of the Prague Con-servatory of Music in Rudolfinum as well as at the closing concert of the 50th annual Dvořák Autumn Festi-val. Michaela successfully performed in the concert tour in Italy and she also toured with the Glyndebourne Opera which performed Dvořák’s opera Rusalka in Great Britain. Regularly, she travels to Japan with the Prague National Theatre Opera and she performed with the Budapest Festival Orchestra on a European tour. In 2016, she sang in Janaček’s opera The Little Cunning Vixen in Teatro Regio di Torino in Italy and in the same year she participated in Master Courses under the direction of Brigitte Fassbaendar.
In 2018 she sang Page Herodias in Strauss opera Salome in Teatro Regio di Torino.

Bledar Zajmi – cello
Through the years he has developed a strong artistic career on 3 continents, in over 30 countries worldwide, with over 15 solo and chamber music records, with a broad artistic repertoire from baroque music to contem-porary. Born in Tirana, Albania he is currently solocellist/concertmaster at the National Theatre in Prague, Czech Republic. He is laureat of National and International Competitions (Cello Competition, Albania 1985), (Palma d ́Oro, Italy 1999), (Rovere d ́Oro, Italy 2004) and he made numerous recordings for Czech TV and Radio, the Radio-servis and Triga music labels, while also has recorded for radio and TV in Japan, Brazil and European contries.

In 1992 he wins a scholarship at the Academy of Music in Prague (Prof. Rudolf Lojda), where he graduated in 1997 with Master’s degree in cello with the highest rating. During the studies in Prague, he also part takes in master classes of known professors such as Prof. Boris Pergamenschikow in “Cello Academy” Kronberg, Germany (1996) and Prof. Josef Chuchro in “Summer Academy” in Semmering, Austria (1997). In 2017 he completed his doctoral studies with Ph.D. degree at Janacek Academy in Brno (Czech Republic) in interpretation and the theory of interpretation.

He has been introduced as a soloist and Concertmaster with numerous orchestras in Czech republic and has been invited for cooperation by European orchestras in various artistic projects. His activity extends further, with concerts in Europe, Japan, South Korea, China, Hongkong, Brazil, Israel and performed at international music festivals, such as ” Czech Chamber Music Society – Czech Philharmonic “, Festival ” Prague Spring”, ” Pontes “, “Jerusalem Concert Society,” eccet., where he receives the highest ratings from the press and music critics. Bledar Zajmi plays on a french instrument of ” Mirecour“.

Hør Andrea Mottlová:
Andrea Mottlová is a Czech solo pianist with a sence for chamber music, accompaniment and for playing as a member of orchestra. She is laureate of many competitions. In her repertoire the main role represent com-posers of the 20th century as Dmitrij Schostakovich, Sergei Prokofjev, Igor Stravinskij, also Czech composers as Bohuslav Martinů, Leoš Janáček or Vítězslava Kaprálová. A diverse talent, her repertoir also includes children’s operas, dance music, film music, musicals or contemporary music.

Andrea studied The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague under Martin Kasík and František Malý, graduat-ed by perfoming the piano concerto “Totentanz” from Ferenc Liszt with AKS orchestra and conductor Marek Šedivý. Andrea was awarded the Dean’s prize of Music Faculty in AMU for outstanding studies and excep-tional representation of The Academy.

She also spent a year abroad studying at The Universitat für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien with Avedis Kouyoumdjian. She graduated with a big success Prague Conservatoire in the class of Michal Rezek and Emil Leichner by performing the first piano concerto from Sergei Prokofjev with Czech Philharmonic in Dvo-rak`s hall in Rudolfinum under the conductor Ondřej Kukal.

She appeared as soloist with Czech Philharmonic, West Bohemian Symfonic Orchestra Marianske Lazne, Moravian Philharmonic, The Olomouc Garrison Orchestra with cooperation of conductors such as Ondřej Kukal, Vladimír Válek, Petr Vronský, Michael Roháč, Gustav Foret. Chamber music has been a part of An-drea’s musical life since her early childhood. She delights audiences performing with one of the finest French horn players in The Czech Republic Radek Baborák and his wife, violoncellist Hana Baboráková in The Jadin Trio.

By the name of the ensemble they tribute to Classicist composer Luis Emmanuell Jadin, historically the first composer, who wrote three sonatas for French horn, violoncello and piano. She has given hundreds of solo and chamber music concerts throughout the Czech Republic and abroad (Belgium, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Greece, Belorussia, Sweden, Denmark ). She is absolute winner of the Competition of Czech Conservatoires, absolute winner of National Competition of Chamber Music in Viand, winner of competitions Yamaha and Prague Junior Note, laureate of Piano Compe-tition Bohuslav Martinů in Prague. Andrea collaborates with Prague Radio-, Czech National- and Prague Symphony orchestra, also occasionally accompanies soloists in the competitions ( Prague Spring Competition 2018 and 2019 in category French Horn and oboe) or in different occassions. Andrea also has screen experience acting in the movie “Don Juans” of Oscar winning director Jiří Menzel playing the the role of Blaženka, a happy=go=lucky pianist with a voracious appetite.